
Issue #[[item.issue__number]] published [[timeFormat(item.date)]]

8 items in COOL TOOLS

Job Page Grader
Ph.Creative have been one of our favourites of late - a creative agency that consistently comes up with valuable insight, great reports, compelling commentary and now - cool tools. Check out how you job page grades out using this smart website. 
Issue #52 published 23 Apr 2020
So this is like a dictionary, but uses analogies instead of definitions. Use it as a tool for finding and sharing helpful analogies to better explain technological ideas. Fun, useful, kind of marvellous. Enjoy!
Issue #63 published 23 Apr 2020
One of the most popular new apps to emerge this year is this superb L&D chrome extension for tech recruiters. Download the plugin and learn what tech terms mean with a single click.
Issue #63 published 23 Apr 2020
Who would have thought Savills would end up producing one of the best looking and most useful apps around. This interactive map of the best tech cities to work in 2017. It’s definitely a cool tool
Issue #63 published 23 Apr 2020
What you really need is an searchable archive of recruiting tools. Great job by Talent Hero Media - on this website, the research behind it and the downloadable PDF. 
Issue #38 published 23 Apr 2020
Doesn’t look like much, but this is a Google Custom Search Engine configured by ‘foodie favourite Irina Shamaeva. Just input some tech terms and search. Like everyone Irina does - it’s simple and just works
Issue #139 published 23 Apr 2020
Todd Davis maintains the most incredible list of of sourcing tools. This is his publicly available list - 150+ of the great, good, never-heard-of-that-before tools which you can use right now to get better at recruiting. Follow Todd, check out his videos and definitely bookmark this Airtable. It’s an amazing resource. 
Issue #64 published 23 Apr 2020
This is a super fast search engine of some type. No need to explain why it’s useful to us here on brainfood. H/T Denys Dinkevych for the constant sharing of cool tools
Issue #183 published 23 Apr 2020